College Football Fans Can Relive the Best Moments With WePlayed’s AI

Artificial Intelligence allows College Football fans to relive their favorite moments in a snap. It records and forecasts games and archive recaps. It allows athletes to be compensated for their appearance. WePlayed AI lets fans play back the best events from the season. Additionally, it helps athletes sell their image to companies and brands.
WePlayed AI automates the process of recaps
WePlayed Sports creators have developed an application that automatizes games’ recaps. By clicking, users can make highlights of their favorite games. The software was designed to be used by football fans from all kinds of sports, including college football.
It is able to predict matches
It is possible to be interested in WePlayed’s AI prediction of football games in college If you’re a lover of the college game. The company has partnered with a variety of schools and universities, such like The NCAA, SEC and Big 12 conferences. The match prediction engine of WePlayed is built on machine learning.
It allows athletes to receive compensation for the appearance they have made
The NCAA has finally permitted athletes to receive compensation for their appearance following decades of ban. The NCAA has adopted an interim policy which permits college athletes to receive money in exchange to be a part of their image. The policy is only temporary, and will be in effect until federal legislation is passed or until the NCAA adopts rules for permanent use.
College athletes are worried over the NCAA’s decision to offer money to athletes to show similarity. Since the beginning it has been clear that the NCAA has been in a shady relationship with athletes. They’ve made millions of dollars, but provide very little or no compensation. The NCAA modified their policies following the public outcry and allows students to receive compensation for their image, name and image.