How To Self-Care?

How to be responsible enough to take care of yourself? How to find the balance in your life? If we were always given an allowance or a salary, how to learn to cut corners and still be able to live comfortably? How to be a good mom, dad and grandparent without breaking your budget? How to spend your free time in the best way it can serve you?
Self-care is one of the keys to a balanced life. It is also a necessary part of a satisfying career. Some of us find self care easy just washing up, a walk around the block, and a cup of tea. Others of us find self care more challenging-like making sure that the kids get to their nannies on time and cleaning up after ourselves. We have all heard stories about the old lady who never took a bath because she was afraid that she would start going into her own grave if she did not take a bath daily. This shows us that bathing is not merely a luxury, but a necessity if we want to continue living a healthy and meaningful life.
Most of us take care of our bodies by exercising regularly and eating right. However, did you know that we have the power to heal ourselves and others? Through touch therapy, we are able to find out what triggers us to hurt others. Massage therapy helps us to release chronic pain, while Reiki helps to ease physical discomfort. Therapists may use music, aromatherapy, meditation, self-hypnosis and other tools to help clients discover and address the issues surrounding their pain. Some may find this healing beyond their ability to bear it.
A woman I knew asked me, “How to find the balance in your life? Why don’t you go on a cruise?” I thought about the idea for a while but didn’t have the money for a cruise vacation at the time. She encouraged me to go anyway, and I now spend my days looking for ways to balance my life between work, family and traveling.
Another question I’ve been asked is, “How do you get your kids to behave?” This may be difficult at times, but if we keep telling them, “You’re not being serious,” or “You can’t do that” they will eventually stop listening. Kids are very finicky creatures. We have to be persistent in making sure they understand. When they understand, it’s more likely that they will act accordingly. That means less arguing and fighting and more love and peace.
Finding yourself a good, reliable source for good quality self-care can be a challenge. We have to find the balance between what we want and what we need. In some cases, that requires making changes to our lifestyle. Fortunately, if we keep asking, “How to self-care? “, the next time we find ourselves wanting less, we will find we have already learned the answers.