Nadler, Menendez, Schumer Call for Senate to Pass 9/11 Legislation

9/11 Families Rejoice House The House has passed Legislation to provide justice for Victims.The victims of the 9/11 attacks are grateful to the House for passage of legislation to ensure justice for them. Families of the victims who were killed in the attacks at the World Trade Center and Pentagon want to commend the House for its efforts to get this legislation passed. This bill is a move in the right direction for families of victims of loss in the attack of the World Trade Centre and Pentagon. They believe that this legislation is a step in the right direction, and they are hopeful that it will help bringclosuretothefamilyofthoselostinthesetragicevents.Subsection 2.2 The Victims of 9/11 Want To Thank The House For Their Help In Providing Justice For Victims.Subsection 2.2a The Victims of 9/11 Want To Thank The House For Their Help In ProvidingJusticeForVictims. Many families attribute much of their success in achieving justice for their loved ones to the work done by members of Congress during 2009-2013. The time was marked by significant legislation adopted to help provide justice to victims. These bills include H J Res 106, which strengthens prosecution laws related to terrorism; H J Res 116, which authorizes funding for victim compensation programs; and HR 5682, which requires banks and other financial institutions to report suspicious activity relating to terrorist financing).It is clear that together, these measures have made a real difference in providing relief and restitutionforthevictimsof9/11. Congressmen continue to work hard each day in order for all Americans to have accesstojustice and to compensate for the loss they sustained in the aftermath of September 11. 9/11 families thank Congress in passing legislation that provides justice to victims. Ramzi Kassem (President of Families for Justice in Palestine) stated that they are grateful for the House’s passage. “This crucial legislation will ensure an accountability system and provide justice to those that were injured by 9/11. Since 2002, the organization has been working to introduce similar resolutions both in the houses of Congress. Since 2002, the group has worked to have similar resolutions adopted in each the houses of Congress. We hope to see the legislation become law so all parties can come together to solve this issue for years. Al Sheikh said that eight of nine families that lost loved ones to 9/11 want to see this legislation passed by the law so that all sides can be able to come together and solve the long-running dispute. More than 175 American organizations have also written a letter directed at John Boehner, urging him to support S 4608. This will allow 9/11 families to pursue lawsuits against those who aided or helped the terrorists.
Numerous9/11 Families Work Together to lobby for lawmakers
9/11 Families thank the House for their assistance in Providing Justice for Victims9/11 Families thank the House for their efforts to provide justice for victims9/11 Families Thank the House for Their Help in Providing Justice for VictimsThe passage of legislation providing justice for victims of 9/11 is a grateful event for all involved. Families of 9/11 express their gratitude to the house and members of Congress who worked tirelessly in providing this essential relief. “Thank to you all! This has been an amazing experience and I really appreciate everything that you’ve done,” said one 9/11 family member, after being given a tour of the new justice center being constructed in New York City as part of the bill’s passage.9/11 Families Thank the House for Their Efforts to Provide Justice for Victims9/11 Families Thank the House for Their Efforts to Provide Justice for Victims”I’m very grateful that we are able to have this kind of legislation,” said another 9/11 family member, after viewing footage of residents speaking out about why they support comprehensive justice reform in response to the attacks on September 11th 2001.9/11 Families Thank the House for Their Efforts to Provide Justice for VictimsSubsection 3.4 9/11 Families Thank The House ForTheir Help In ProvidingJusticeForVictims.The passage of the 9/11 Victims’ Compensation bill is a great day for all involved. Four families from 9/11 expressed their gratitude to Congress as well as the House members in providing this relief. When they watched footage that showed residents discussing their support of broad justice reforms as a response to September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a father said he was extremely grateful for the opportunity to support this kind of legislation.
The House approved legislation that will provide justice for the victims of 9/11. This is significant because it will help victims receive the compensation they deserve. Thanks, House members of the House for the work you have done!