Netflix’s new ad-supported service: what you need to know

Netflix has long positioned its streaming service as a commercial-free alternative to cable, and has resisted calls to introduce advertisements. Netflix has opted to start by using a traditional approach to advertising and plans to change its service with time. In the meantime, as Netflix attempts to reverse its subscriber decline, the ad-supported service will be launched Nov. 3. The cost will be $7 per month within the U.S., a 55% markdown from Netflix’s most popular $15.50-per-month plan, which is ad-free. The lower-priced plan will provide the same content as Netflix’s existing plans but will also include advertisements.
A Brief Summary
The brand new service may be an excellent way to allow Netflix to make an attempt at reversing the declining number of subscribers however it remains to be determined if it will be successful. Low video quality and increased commercials may not bring viewers returning. There are numerous streaming sites that provide similar contentwithout commercials.