The travel vaccine market is expected to grow at a faster pace in the developing countries

This report examines the Travel Vaccine Market Size and growth rate by region in 2024.The travel vaccine market is predicted to expand at a rate of 20% by 2024. In 2024, the top five regions expected to lead the global tourism vaccination market are India, China, Europe and Japan.
Size of the market for Travel Vaccines by Type 2024
Travel vaccinations are anticipated to grow by 20% up to $1.2 billion by 2024.
By 2024, there will be a global market for travel vaccinations will be sized by applications
The market for travel vaccinates is predicted to rise to 20% by 2024 and reach $billion
It is estimated that the Travel Vaccine market size is projected to increase with a CAGR of 20% through 2024. In 2024, the top five regions expected to be the top market players are Australia, China, Europe and Japan. The market for travel vaccinations is expected to expand by 20percent in 2024. It will be worth $1. billion in 2024. This can be explained by a variety of factors, including increased global travel as well as rising epidemics.