What Is PCM?

PCM stands for pulse-code modulation. It is a technique used to digitally translate sampled analog data into the desired pattern. It is the standard mode of digital sound in most computers, compact disc, telephones and other digital sound applications. To this day, it is still widely used. In fact, its popularity continues to increase because of the features it provides.
Basically, it is an analog-to-digital converter that takes an analog signal and modifies it into a digital signal. The major advantage is that it can produce high quality audio results while minimizing the amount of interference from external sources. Another advantage is that it eliminates the need for a demodulator.
Pulse-code modulation is made possible with the help of PCM chips. These chips are made up of two main components – a carrier frequency that carry the sound, and a modulation source that transform the original signal into the desired pattern. In addition to these two important components, there is also an optional control component called a mixer. This allows the signal to be compressed or not compressed. It also controls the amplitude level of the signal by varying the amount of power that goes into it.
These days, PCM chips are widely used in conjunction with different types of broadcast systems. They are also widely used in telecommunication systems, home entertainment systems, music and film production, and medical equipment. They are particularly used for direct communication with equipment such as faxes and phone receivers. For many years, PCM has been considered as the industry standard for converting analog data into digital signals that can be amplified and stored. In addition to storing digital information, they can also store audio information.
Because it is an analog signal, it can only be transmitted as far as the fibers carrying the signal allow. This limitation caused the early analog TV systems to be costly and inefficient. In the past decade or so, however, new fibers that are longer and stronger have been developed which allow for the transmission of PCM signal long distances. This has brought about a significant improvement in the quality of sound and images transmitted over short distances.
The process of converting PCM into the different formats that it is commonly used in is called converter transformation. The most common use of this technology is for digital television. When converting PCM signal to digital, the original signal is passed through a demodulator that alters the frequency and also the amplitude of the signal to produce a standard binary signal. The result is an analog signal that is compressed and highly reliable, and which can be decoded by normal audio software.