What are people saying about former Lakers player selling his NBA Championship rings to raise funds for

a previous Lakers champ is offering two championship rings to boost money for the Fly High Foundation in Ukraine. Slava Medvedenko is a former player regarding the Lakers’ championship groups in 2001 and 2002, and had been teammates with Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal. The arises from the auction will gain Medvedenko’s Fly High Foundation, which supports young ones in war-torn Ukraine and works to rebuild recreations infrastructure into the war-torn country. The Fly High Foundation has plans to begin social sports clubs across Ukraine.
Slava Medvedenko
a former l . a . Lakers center is attempting to sell his championship rings to boost money for their country’s victims associated with the Russian invasion. Medvedenko decided to offer their rings after viewing rockets fall in their native Ukraine. He's also attempting to rebuild the country’s activities infrastructure. He's got currently offered a few t-shirts, jerseys, and sneakers, but his objective is always to raise $100,000.
L . a . Lakers player
Slava Medvedenko, a 2002 la Lakers champ, is attempting to sell his championship bands to increase money for his indigenous country. The lakers’ 2000 name team showcased Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant, and others. Medvedenko had been drafted by the Lakers and played on their championship group in 2001. He was traded towards the Atlanta Hawks in 2006, but came back to the group to relax and play within the 2002 period. The bands are increasingly being auctioned off by SCP Auctions, a respected international sports memorabilia auction home. The cash raised is going to be donated towards the Fly tall Foundation, Medvedenko’s non-profit foundation.
War in Eastern Europe
a Former Lakers champ is assisting his house country by auctioning off his championship rings for charity. Slava Medvedenko, who played for the Lakers from 2000 to 2006, is battling the Russian invasion in their home nation. He's got already sold tees, jerseys and sneakers, and plans to offer his championship bands aswell. The arises from these sales will go to rebuilding activities facilities and providing aid to Ukrainian refugees.
Long-lasting goals for Medvedenko
Slava Medvedenko is selling two championship bands he won utilizing the Lakers in 2001 and 2002. Medvedenko played on those championship groups alongside Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal. The sale proceeds from the 2 bands goes to your Fly tall Foundation, which helps Ukrainian young ones by restoring activities infrastructure in schools and introducing social sports clubs. The Laguna Niguel, Calif.-based company estimates that the bands will fetch $100,000 each.
Auction of two championship rings
The auction of two championship bands for Ukraine is a charitable project. A Laguna Niguel, California-based company estimates that the rings will upsurge in value by at least $100,000. Ukrainian basketball player Vitali Medvedenko made a decision to sell the bands after viewing rockets fall in their Kyiv community. He later arranged a charity basketball game in Warsaw, Poland, to improve money for Ukrainian refugees. The auction is scheduled for this Wednesday.
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