What the future of democracy in Hungary looks like

The European Union (EU) is founded on values such as respect for human dignity, freedoms as well as equality, democracy and the supremacy of the law, and respect for the rights of people. These values are common to every Member States and are an fundamental element of EU. The European Parlament has decided to determine that Hungary may be in danger of violating EU’s founding values. In addition, the European Commission has now recommended that Hungary be removed from some cohesion-related funds. It is essential that the rule and rule of law is adhered to in all Member States that are part of the EU. Citizens should all be treated equally before the law. They should also are entitled to a fair and fair judiciary.
1. What are what is the European Commission recommending with regards to Hungary’s usage of cohesion funds?
Because of the recent crackdowns in Hungary on civil society, and press freedoms. The European Parliament has branded it”a hybrid “electoral dictatorship”. Today, the European Commission recommends that Hungary have to meet certain requirements that will allow it to get cohesion funds. The conditions include adherence by Hungary to the fundamentals of values and the rule law. Hungary is one of the largest recipients of cohesion money from the European Union. These funds are designed to help reduce social and economic differences across the EU. However, the country has been criticized for using the funds to further entrench its autocratic rule. The European Parliament’s report on Hungary states that the country has “exhibited an obvious pattern of slowing down” regarding democracy and the legal system since.
2. What is Hungary’s contribution for the EU budget from 2021-2027?
In light of recent law modifications In light of recent electoral law changes, due to recent changes in the law of elections, European Parliament called Hungary an “electoral autocracy” hybrid. Hungary has a share of EUR17.5 million within the EU budget of 2021-2027. The European Parliament has expressed its displeasure over these changes to the law on elections in Hungary, claiming that it may allow the ruling party in power to run for office indefinitely. The amendments to the law include the introduction of a national consultation to allow the ruling party to solicit opinions of the public on important issues as well as the possibility of extending the time of service of those who are members from the European Parliament and the Hungarian Parliament.
3. Was the European Parliament able to reach a conclusion anything about Hungary in only a symbolic vote
The European Parliament has called Hungary as a hybrid “electoral Autocracy by a symbolic vote. The reason for this is that the Parliament believes the Hungary’s administration is elected democratically, however it doesn’t respect the law of the land or rights to civil liberties. The Parliament has also concluded that Hungary’s government is controlled by a small group of people, who use their position to gain rather than the people of Hungary.
Quick Summary
The European Union is taking steps to safeguard democracy in its member nations The new financial penalties is one means of taking this step. The move is in response to what the EU considers to be the weakening of democratic institutions in Poland and Hungary. The European Union executive has recommended the suspension of 7.5 billion euros of funding for Hungary due to corruption. Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister dismissed the European Parliament resolution as “a absurdity”.