The impact of climate change on the conflict in Ukraine

This is the message that every person hopes to receive at some moment in their lives. There will be a call from the Swedish Academy of Sciences calling you to let you know that your name has been selected for with the Nobel Prize. For American scientist John Clauser, who was awarded the Nobel because of his work in quantum mechanics, it came off different. This is the culmination of this year’s Nobel season, the Peace Prize laureate will be presented at 9am GMT (5pm, Singapore time) in Oslo with the backdrop that Moscow’s attack on Ukraine which has forced Europe in one the biggest crises ever after World War II. With the rest of the disciplines being made public in Stockholm The Peace Prize is Oslo’s only Nobel.
A Short Summary
That’s it! …. which person will win the Nobel Peace Prize this year? We’ll never know! However, we could speculate that the award could go towards critics of Vladimir Putin, climate activists or perhaps none at all in the conflict in Ukraine.